Joongang Sangha University

Joongang Sangha University: Cultivating Wisdom, Nurturing Compassion

Joongang Sangha University, located in the serene town of Seonjeong, South Korea, is a prestigious institution dedicated to providing a transformative education that cultivates wisdom and nurtures compassion. Established in 1963, Joongang Sangha University has a rich history of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and community engagement. With its diverse range of departments and courses, the university offers a dynamic educational experience that prepares students to make a positive impact in their chosen fields and in society.

Founding History

Joongang Sangha University was founded in 1963 with the vision of creating an institution that would integrate academic excellence, Buddhist teachings, and a commitment to service. The university’s establishment was driven by the belief that education should not only focus on intellectual growth but also foster spiritual development, moral character, and a dedication to serving others. Since its inception, Joongang Sangha University has been dedicated to academic excellence, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of social justice.

The founding principles of Joongang Sangha University revolve around wisdom, compassion, and service. These principles have guided the university’s growth and helped establish its position as a leading institution in Buddhist higher education in South Korea.

Departments and Programs

Joongang Sangha University offers a wide range of departments and programs, covering diverse academic disciplines. The university’s comprehensive selection of programs ensures that students can pursue their passions and develop expertise in their chosen fields.

Here are just a few notable departments at Joongang Sangha University:

  • Department of Buddhist Studies: The Department of Buddhist Studies offers programs that explore the history, philosophy, and scriptures of Buddhism. Students in this department engage in deep contemplation, textual analysis, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the core teachings of Buddhism.
  • Department of Buddhist Counseling: The Department of Buddhist Counseling focuses on the study of counseling theories and techniques from a Buddhist perspective. Students in this department learn about mindfulness-based approaches, compassion-focused therapy, and gain practical skills in providing counseling services grounded in Buddhist principles.
  • Department of Social Welfare: The Department of Social Welfare offers programs that prepare students to work in the field of social welfare. Students learn about social issues, develop skills in counseling and advocacy, and gain practical experience through internships in social welfare organizations.
  • Department of Buddhist Art: The Department of Buddhist Art offers programs that delve into the rich artistic traditions of Buddhism. Students in this department study Buddhist iconography, explore traditional art forms, and gain practical skills in creating Buddhist art that embodies the spirit of compassion and wisdom.

These departments represent just a fraction of the diverse academic offerings at Joongang Sangha University. The university also offers programs in fields such as Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist ethics, Buddhist rituals, and many more, ensuring that students have the opportunity to pursue their interests and excel in their chosen disciplines.

Courses Offered

Joongang Sangha University’s commitment to academic excellence and spiritual growth is reflected in the wide range of courses it offers across various disciplines. The university’s curriculum is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical application.

Here are a few examples of the diverse courses available at Joongang Sangha University:

  • Introduction to Buddhism: This course provides an overview of the history, philosophy, and practices of Buddhism. Students learn about the life of the Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, and gain a deep understanding of the core principles of Buddhism.
  • Buddhist Ethics: This course explores the ethical principles and teachings of Buddhism. Students delve into the precepts, moral conduct, and cultivate an understanding of ethical decision-making based on Buddhist principles.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: This course focuses on the practice of meditation and mindfulness. Students learn different meditation techniques, engage in mindfulness exercises, and gain practical skills in cultivating a calm and focused mind.
  • Buddhist Art and Symbolism: This course delves into the rich symbolism and artistic expressions of Buddhism. Students explore Buddhist iconography, analyze Buddhist artwork, and gain an appreciation for the spiritual significance behind Buddhist art.

These courses represent just a fraction of the diverse and dynamic offerings at Joongang Sangha University. The university continually updates its curriculum to stay at the forefront of Buddhist studies, foster critical thinking, and provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their chosen fields.


Joongang Sangha University stands as a symbol of academic excellence and spiritual growth, cultivating wisdom and nurturing compassion. With its dedication to intellectual growth, spiritual development, and community engagement, the university offers a transformative educational experience that prepares individuals to make a positive impact in their chosen fields and in society.

Since its founding in 1963, Joongang Sangha University has played a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape in Seonjeong and beyond. Its commitment to academic excellence, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of social justice sets it apart as an institution that nurtures the potential of students, fosters compassionate leaders, and prepares individuals to serve others with wisdom and compassion.

With its serene campus, esteemed faculty, and diverse academic offerings, Joongang Sangha University provides students with ample opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, intellectual exploration, and community engagement. Through its unwavering commitment to excellence and the cultivation of wisdom and compassion, Joongang Sangha University continues to nurture minds, embrace values, and contribute to the betterment of society through the power of education.

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